December 2015

Albania stands among 49 countries complying with the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative. As part of the ongoing implementation of this initiative the Albanian Government publishes this informative report on the extraction of oil, gas and other minerals, contribution of this industry to the State budget...

Today, in the premises of the Ministry of Energy and Industry, took place the next meeting of the Multi Stakeholder Group of EITI Albania. The Independent Administrator, Deloitte Audit Albania presented the EITI report for the fiscal years 2013 and 2014. After discussing the main...

Good Governance of Natural Resources is the theme of trainings that EITI Albania and Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment Columbia Law School - The Earth Institute, are organizing for stakeholders. Columbia experts explain, among others, that setting Transparency according to international standards is very important...

Today EITI Albania and Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, Columbia Law School - The Earth Institute held the first two sessions of presentations for stakeholders. The first presentation was attended by parliamentarians, members of the Productive Activity, Trade and Environment Committee. The second presentation was...

The Albanian Secretariat of Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI Albania) in collaboration with Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, Columbia Law School - The Earth Institute, will conduct training sessions on three days, from 2 to 4 December 2015 on good governance of Natural resources, Fiscal...

In conclusion of the procedures for selection of the Consultant service “Consultancy for training sessions on Natural Resource Governance, the extractive industries and the EITI standards for Albanian CSO-s, Government officials, parliamentarians, journalists and for MSG members", the winner is announced Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment,...

In conclusion of the procedures for selection of the Contractor for the service “Exercising map for extractive industry”, the winner is announced DM Consulting Services, Tirana. The contract between the Albanian EITI Secretariat and DM Consulting Services is signed dated 26.10.2015. Read More...