The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative – The EITI is an international initiative aimed to develop and implement a mechanism to declare revenue generated from the use of Natural Resources through Extractive Industries, the publication of such data in an understandable format by everyone and their oversight in order to enable the general public to have information regarding income and public spending, contributing to a public debate and the establishment of mechanisms for good administration of these revenues for the benefit of communities. The EITI process can be further dimensioned and adapted according to the current context of each implementing country to meet the information needs of stakeholders as well as the needs to tackle the sector with important reforms based on this data. As set out in the EITI Standards Requirements, the EITI Standard Implementation requires effective oversight of the EITI process by all stakeholders. This is accomplished through the establishment and functioning of a Multi-Stakeholder Group, which includes government representatives, companies operating in this sector, and full, independent, active, and effective participation of civil society, who are committed to working together to develop and promote transparency and good governance of this sector.
The EITI Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) was established by the Prime Minister’s Order no. 71, dated 21. 07. 2011, on the follow-up of Albania’s membership procedures as the implementing country of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and the ongoing fulfillment of the obligations of this initiative.
The Multi-Stakeholder Group for EITI Albania is the decision-making body in charge of overseeing the implementation of EITI in Albania. This group is headed by the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy and consists of government representatives, companies operating in extractive industries and civil society. The Multi-Stakeholder Group approves the work plan for the secretariat, submitting the EITI annual report, ensures that EITI contributes to the public debate and supports the work of the Albanian EITI Secretariat.
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– Adopted by the Minister’s Order, no. 454 Prot, dated 30. 12. 2016 “Order for the adoption of the Regulation of the Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) in the Membership Framework of the EITI International Organization”
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Members of the Multi-Stakeholder Group
The Multi-Stakeholder Group chaired by the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Energy consists of 16 representatives from whom, 6 representatives from the government, 5 from civil society, and 5 from the companies operating in the extractive industry. Representatives from other institutions may also participate by the invitation of the chairman at the Multi-Stakeholder Group meetings.
Method of Selection of Civil Society Representatives to the EITI MSG and Current Representatives
Representatives of Civil Society, Members of Albania EITI MSG shall be elected, mandated, and replaced in accordance with the procedures described in Articles 10 and 11 of the Internal Regulation:
In order to maintain diversified thinking and broad representation, each interest group has the right to designate its representatives in MSG for EITI in Albania. The nomination process is independent within each subgroup.
- Participation in the MSG for Civil Society representatives and business representatives, in order to enable broad-based representation, is made at an open public invitation by the Chairman of this Working Group and is administered in an independent and transparent manner by each grouping. Each of the groups must make the procedure for selecting MSG members transparent and must fully document the Chairman of the MSG, the selection process and procedure, and the validity of each member’s mandate;
- The EITI Albania Secretariat will provide technical support throughout the selection process if this is required by each of the groups to fulfill the transparency of each process;
And according to Chapter 1 of the Code of Conduct of Civil Society Organizations are involved in the EITI process.
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In May 2019, Albnet-EITI has prepared an Action Plan for 2019-2020 to meet the obligations for corrective actions from the Validation Report and to improve the performance of Civil Society in the commitment to implement EITI in Albania.
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In the implementation of this action plan, the Albanian Center for Development and Integration in cooperation with the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, SECO, at the Swiss Embassy in Tirana on February 11-12, 2019 organized a seminar on “Civil Society, its role in Transparency of Extractive Industries”
The last part of this activity was dedicated to the Members’ Choice for MSG EITI Albania. Elections were organized according to a direct and secret voting process and were approved according to the official report signed by all members of the Ad Hoc Committee, selected in advance, and backed by the list of those who participated in these elections.
Election Results for Members in MSG EITI:
- Mrs. Ola Mitre, Women for the Protection of Natural Resources
- Mrs. Anila Hajnaj, Albanian Center for Development and Integration
- Mr. Sami Nezaj, Center for Transparency and Free Information
- Mr.Kushtrim Simoni, Media Policy Study Center
- Mr.Lorenc Gordani, Albanian Center of International Law
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