The Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG)
The Prime Minister Decree No. 71, dated 21.07.2011, decided the establishment and functioning of the Multi-Stakeholder Group, to follow the membership procedures of Albania as an implementing country of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and the continuous obligations fulfillment of this initiative.
The Multi-Stakeholder Group is a decision-making body, in charge of oversight the EITI implementation in Albania. This group is headed by the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy and is composed of Government, Companies that operate in extractive industries, and Civil Society representatives. The Multi-Stakeholder Group approves the Secretariat work plan, the Annual Progress Report, assures that the EITI contributes to the public debate and supports the EITI National Secretariat.
Members of the Multi-Stakeholder Group
The Multi-Stakeholder Group is composed of 17 representatives headed by the Deputy Minister of Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy of which 6 representatives from the Government, 5 from Civil Society, and 5 from Companies that operate in the extractive industry. By the Head invitation, the representatives from other institutions may also participate in the MSG meetings.