Republika e Shqipërisë

Sekretariati i Nismës për Transparencë në Industrinë Nxjerrëse

Granti Nr.: TF0A6493

Titulli i paketës:   Përzgjedhja e një Specialisti për Menaxhimin Financiar

Nr. i Referencës:   ALBEITI/CS/IC/D.1

Kjo Kërkesë për Shprehje Interesi publikohet pas Njoftimit të Përgjithshëm të Prokurimit për këtë projekt, i publikuar në Development Business online No. WB3513-03/19, të datës 15 Mars 2019.

Republika e Shqipërisë ka marrë financim nga Banka Botërore për llogari të Sekretariatit Nisma për Transparencë në Industrinë Nxjerrëse (EITI Shqipëri) dhe synon të përdorë një pjesë të financimit për shërbime konsulence.

Shërbimet e konsulencës (“Shërbimet”) përfshijnë përzgjedhjen e një Konsulenti Individual si Specialist me kohë të pjesshme për Menaxhimin Financiar për të ndihmuar Sekretariatin EITI Shqipëri të sigurojë një menaxhim dhe kontroll financiar në përputhje me Udhëzimet e Bankës Botërore për të gjithë zërat dhe aktivitetet e financuara nga Projekti. Periudha e zbatimit të kontratës do të jetë afërsisht 12 muaj nga nënshkrimi i Kontratës.

Termat e detajuara të Referencës (TOR) për këtë shërbim mund të gjenden në faqen e internetit: www.albeiti.org

Sekretariati EITI Shqipëri fton Konsulentë Individualë të përshtatshëm (“Konsulentë”) të shprehin interesin e tyre në ofrimin e Shërbimeve. Konsulentët e interesuar duhet të japin informacion që paraqet kualifikimet e kërkuara dhe eksperiencën e përshtatshme për të kryer Shërbimet. Kriteret e përfshirjes në listën e shkurtër janë:

  • CV në gjuhën shqipe dhe angleze;
  • Diplomë Universiteti në kontabilitet, financë ose administrim biznesi.
  • Eksperiencë Profesionale në kontabilitet, menaxhim financiar / menaxhim buxheti, kërkohen minimalisht 5 vite eksperiencë pune në projekte të financuar nga Banka Botërore ose organizata të tjera ndërkombëtare.
  • Njohuri të mira të kontabilitetit, sistemeve të menaxhimit financiar dhe buxhetor si dhe të kuadrit ligjor dhe tatimeve në Shqipëri;
  • Njohuri të mira të politikave financiare dhe të kontabilitetit, rregullave dhe rregulloreve të organizatave ndërkombëtare, preferohet Banka Botërore;
  • Njohuri të mira kompjuterike dhe aftësi funksionale në përdorimin e programeve word dhe excel;
  • Njohuri të mira të gjuhës angleze, aftësi komunikimi (verbal dhe me shkrim).
  • Njohuri të mira të kërkesave të sistemeve më të fundit të menaxhimit financiar dhe aplikimeve bankare online.

Konsulentëve të interesuar iu kërkohet t’i kushtojnë vëmendje Seksionit III, paragrafët 3.14, 3.16 dhe 3.17 të “Rregullores së Prokurimeve për Huamarrësit e Financimeve të Projekteve të Investimeve” të Bankës Botërore, botimi Korrik 2016, rishikuar në Nëntor 2017, (“Rregullorja e Prokurimeve”), që përcakton politikën e Bankës Botërore për konfliktin e interesit. 

Një Konsulent do të përzgjidhet në përputhje me metodën e Përzgjedhjes bazuar në Konsulencën Individuale (ICS) të përcaktuar në Rregulloren e Prokurimeve.

Më shumë informacion mund të merret në adresën e mëposhtme gjatë orarit zyrtar 08.00 deri 16.30 nga e hëna deri të enjten dhe 08.30 deri 14.00 të premten.

Shprehjet e interesit mund të dorëzohen zyrtarisht në adresën e mëposhtme (personalisht, ose me postë, ose me e-mail) deri më 8 Prill 2019.

Sekretariati i Nismës për Transparencë në Industrinë Nxjerrëse (EITI Shqipëri)

Në vëmendje: Z. Ardit Kamberi, Drejtues i Sekretariatit të Nismës për Transparencë në Industrinë Nxjerrëse (EITI Shqipëri)

Adresa: Blv. “Zhan D’Ark”, Ish godina ME, Kati IV, Tiranë, Shqipëri

Tel: +355 4 2264645,

E-mail: ardit.kamberi8@gmail.com, sekretariati@albeiti.gov.al

Web: www.albeiti.org




Terms of Reference and Scope of Services

Selection of a Financial Management Consultant


I. Background

The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) was launched at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in held in Johannesburg in September 2002. This global initiative encourages Government, extractive companies, international agencies and NGOs to work together to develop a framework to promote transparency of payments made within the extractive industries. It is a shared belief that transparency of payments and revenues greatly increases the likelihood that the revenues generated by the development of natural resources will be used in an efficient and equitable manner and can assist Government in financial and macro-economic planning and also reduces the risk of diversion or misappropriation of resources. EITI focuses on company payments and Government receipt of revenues from the extractive industries.

Albania has been a candidate country since 2009 in the EITI and has been very active in its operations during the years 2011 – 2012. Albania is accepted as an official member of the EITI in May 2013. It is a traditional mining country with considerable reserves in chromium, copper and iron-nickel, as well as substantial production of crude oil. Both the mining and oil contribute a significant and growing proportion of Government revenues for development. In the light of this, the Government is fully aware of the importance of good sector governance, transparency and accountability. For this purpose between the Albanian Government and the World Bank has an agreement (First phase – Grant TF 096009, Second phase – TF 012148, Third phase – TF014999, Fourth phase – TF0A1769, Fifth phase – TFA6493) for support and funding for the implementation of the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI) in Albania. “


II. Objective

The objective of this assignment is to assist the EITI Albania National Secretariat staff in ensuring a sound financial management and control in accordance with the World Bank Guidelines for all items and activities financed under the projects, using standard World Bank documentation.


III. Scope of the Work

The Financial Management Consultant will have the overall responsibility for the financial management of the Project. Specific responsibilities will include:

  • Implement a fully documented and operational accounting and financial management, satisfactory to the World Bank which includes proper accounting procedures and internal controls to ensure that Project assets are properly safeguarded;
  • Manage financial short and long term planning process of the project; assist the EITI Director and staff in the Project financial planning; Liaise with the EITI’ Budget and Finance staff that project planning as above mentioned is integrated in EITI planning process,
  • Carry out financial performance review of Project activities, in accordance and in connection with Bank requirements,
  • Review, verify and process for approval all requests for payment for Project activities, contractors and consultants,
  • Ensure that payments are made in proper and timely manner, that all sources of financing are available for the Project and that the contract payment monitoring function is ensured, working in close collaboration with procurement unit,
  • Assist EITI in all financial management aspects of the Projects, ensuring that transactions are entered into the recording system in a timely and proper manner, verifying for accuracy and completeness of all transactions, and that updated accounting records are kept, that are essential for promptly producing project financial management reports,
  • Prepare and submit for approval financial reports, budget report, financial projections, cash flow forecast, and all other Project reports as requested by World Bank, EITI, MIE and MFE.
  • Ensure timely preparation of the interim financial reports and annual financial statements and other reports requested by GoA; and withdrawal applications to the Bank, and ensure adherence to all statutory requirements, World Bank guidelines and audit requirements.
  • Prepare the quarterly and annual progress reports;
  • Provides timely inputs to the Project Procurement unit for the preparation of contract payments terms, etc. and supervises their conformity with Project requirements and budget. Thoroughly reviews financial aspects of all bidding documentation and provides timely comments to the Procurement unit prior submission to the World Bank.
  • Advise the EITI on issues related to local taxation, banking and other pertinent regulations that affect the financial activities;
  • Facilitate the work of the independent auditors; assess reports received from the auditors and following up any audit queries /management letters;
  • Participate and be actively involved in trainings/workshops/seminars concerned to the project components and implementation categories.
  • Performs any other duties requested by the EITI National Secretariat Director.


IV. Reporting arrangements and Deliverables

Consultant shall prepare the following reports:

(a) Monthly, Quarterly and annual Financial Reports for Project on disbursement   and budget execution to be submitted to EITI and government agencies;

(b) Quarterly Project Interim Financial Reports to be submitted to the Bank no later than 45 days after end of each quarter;

(c) Annual Project Financial Statements to be audited by independent auditors.


 V.Timing and Requirements for the Assignment 

The local consultant is expected to start the assignment in March 18, 2019 and complete it by April 30, 2020. This is a part – time assignment and the local consultant is required to work for up to 30 hours per month over the period mentioned above.

  • The contract will be prepared using the time based forms for small assignments. 
  • The Consultant shall prepare and submit reports every month to the Albanian EITI Secretariat for its acceptance.
  • The payment will be on hourly basis.
  • The Consultant would provide input and advice by reports, email and phone calls and being present upon the Client’s request.


VI. Qualifications

  • Relevant university education in accounting, finance or business administration.
  • Professional experience in accounting, financial management / budget management, min 5 years, working experience in WB financed projects or any other international organization is required.
  • Sound and good knowledge of Government accounting, financial management systems, and budgeting system, as well as tax and legal requirements in Albania;
  • Sound and good knowledge of financial and accounting policies, rules and regulations pertaining to international organizations, preferably World Bank;
  • Good computer literacy and functional ability in processing word and excel documents;
  • Good knowledge of English and be able to communicate (oral and written) effectively.
  • Be familiar with the requirements of modern financial management systems and online banking applications.


VII. Selection Method:

The consultant will be selected in accordance with Individual Consultant Selection method with the procedures set out in “World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” dated July 2016, revised November 2017 (Procurement Regulations).