Year 2016


Decisions taken at MSG

The decision taken Date Deadline Comments Current Status
1. The local tax payments will be included in the EITI Report 2015. Materiality limit will be 5000 USD. If the reported amount is greater than 5000 USD, taxes will be disaggregated to understand their nature, particularly those taxes directly related to the nature of the business and will be reconciled to the relevant municipality. If the total amount of local taxes is less than 5000 USD they will not be disaggregated. 29.07.2016 29.07.2016 No comments Approved by Decision no. 2, dated 29. 07. 2016
2. To reflect in a disaggregated EITI Report 2015 payments made to public works and infrastructure under contractual obligations as well as payments and investments made by companies in social responsibility materiality limit will be 5000 USD. If the reported amount is greater than 5000 USD, taxes will be reconciled with the beneficiaries. 29.07.2016 29.07.2016 No comments Approved by Decision no. 2, dated 29. 07. 2016
3. To approve the “List of Companies” that will report to the EITI Report 2015, referred to the reasoning on the threshold of materiality. 29.07.2016 29.07.2016 No comments Approved by Decision no. 2, dated 29. 07. 2016
Approval of Terms of Reference for the Independent Administrator of the EITI Report 2015 06.05.2016 06.05.2016 No comments Approved by Decision No. 1, dated 06.05.2016
Approval of the EITI Draft Communication Strategy 2016- 2017 after the presentation of comments made by the MSG members. 31.10.2016 31.10.2016 Approved by Decision no. 3, dated 31. 10. 2016, the comments made at the meeting of MSG are reflected in the draft communication strategy.
Approval of the First Reconciliation Report by Deloitte Audit Albania and escalation of official communication through letters and phone calls to companies that have not reported until this moment. 31.10.2016 31.10.2016 Approved by Decision no. 3, dated 31. 10. 2016, the official communication with companies that have not reported has escalated.
Approval of ToR for local consultancy to review the Albanian Legal and Regulatory Framework for the Extractive Industries Transparency reflection of changes proposed at the meeting and reflected in decision 06.05.2016 06.05.2016 No comments Approved by Decision No. 1, dated 06.05.2016


MSG decisions taken by Circular

Type of action taken Date Deadline Comments Current Status
It requires the approval of ToR for Communication Strategy 2016-2017 04.07.2016 13.07.2016 No comments Approved
Request for approval of the Draft Work Plan 2016 03.02.2016 17.02.2016 With comments Approved
Request for approval of the Terms of Reference for the Independent Administrator 2015-2016 15.02.2016 01.03.2016 Approved on the MSG meeting , dated 06. 05. 2016


Other issues with the MSG’s approval

Type of action taken Date Deadline Comments Current Status
Confirmation is required for participation in the Pilot Project which will be organized from EITI Oslo about the Transparency of trade products on Extractive Industry. Email dated 28. 06. 2016 05.07.2016 With comments Approved
It is required the Code of Ethics initialed by all members of the Group of Civil Society. Email dated 30. 05. 2016 Civil society has not sent yet the initialed Code of Ethics
Request for comments, ideas and suggestions on the Draft Guidelines for Real receivers / Beneficial Ownership Draft Roadmap. Email dated 09.11.2016 01.12.2016 Ongoing
Sending information civil society, launched by the World Bank with regard to the concern raised about the lack of funding, and requested recommendations. Email dated 05. 02. 2016 05.02.2016 No comments No response by Civil Society
Sought comments from civil society regarding the draft ToR for MSG-in for which it was agreed in the meeting of MSG, dated 06. 05. 2016. Email dated 09. 05. 2016 13.05.2016 Answers to date 16/05/2016 Comments were sent by the civil society, a part of which are reflected in the ToR. Currently we are awaiting comments from The EITI Oslo to continue with their approval from the Minister.

Note: The audio format of Minutes of Meetings of MSG will be available from the date 06.05.2016. This format contents may be made available based on the request made by you in our e-mail: