MSG meeting on EITI priorities and challenges

MSG meeting on EITI priorities and challenges

On February 12, 2019, the MSG – EITI meeting was attended by its members, representatives of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, the Ministry of Finance and Economy, the General Directorate of Taxation, National Agency of Natural Resources , Albpetrol sha, Foreign Investors Association of Albania (FIAA), the Albanian Geological Service and the representatives of Civil Society.

Mr. Ilir Bejtja, Deputy Minister of Energy and Infrastructure presented himself as the new selected Chairman of the Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG-EITI).

In accordance with the EITI International Standard Requirements, for an active engagement and effective contribution of civil society in MSG (in accordance with requirement 1.3 and 1.4 of the International Standard), the new members of Civil Society representatives in MSG selected by the election process, were presented during the meeting.  

 The discussion topics of Agenda consisted on:

  • The Final Document discussion and approval addressed by MSG for Corrective Actions raised from the International Validation Process
  • Discussion on the EITI International Board proposals to review some of the EITI Standards requirements in order to strengthen the implementation of EITI in member countries and to be addressed in June 2019 at the EITI Global Conference in Paris.
  • Addressing the issues on royalty and the effective Local Income Management.
  • Discussion on the publication beneficial ownership (BO) priorities within the deadlines set by the EITI International Secretariat.
  • Discussion on the existence and materiality of “quasi fiscal” expenditures.
  • Discussion by MSG on EITI Report recommendations and the work initiate on addressing them.

To follow up the addressing recommendations left by the Validation Mission and EITI Report Recommendations, the MSG approved the establishment of a Working Group, composed by three members of each representative group in MSG.