21 Mar MSG meeting in premises of Antea in Borizanë, Krujë
Increased cooperation between operating companies in the country and EITI Secretariat made possible the organization of another important activity in favor of transparency in the extractive industry.
On March 21, 2017, the Albanian EITI Secretariat in collaboration with Antea Cement organized the next meeting of MSG in premises of Antea in Borizanë, Krujë
The meeting began with a welcoming speech by the Technical Director Mr. Goce Cvetkoski, who thanked all the participants for their participation. He also shared with the participants some of Antea Cement achievements over the years and introduced them to the Integrated Report of Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development that Antea Cement published every year for the stakeholders in the framework of transparent policies. He also said, “We are committed and aim at providing high quality products for our customers, by creating satisfactory work conditions and high standardization for our employees by offering real opportunity development, respect for human rights and above all ensuring maximum safety at work. We are committed to respecting and protecting the environment, using best available techniques, as well as to implement the law strictly, by using anti-corruption practices in all of our business transactions”
Then the meeting continued with the presentation of Antea Cement regulation and performances on health and safety at work by Mr. Fatmir Koco, Director of Health and Safety. Safety and health at work are preventive measures taken to improving the conditions during the process of working, living and preserving the integrity of the health workers involved in the production process.
Antea Cement is also committed to protecting the environment, an issue that was discussed in the presentation of Ms. Stela Pepa, Director of Social and Environmental Responsibility. Within the policies that Antea Cement applies to social and environmental issues, recently it has also conducted a study by experts on the evaluation of the social and environmental impact that Antea Cement has had during the first five years of its operation. This study was conducted in order that Antea Cement executives to have a clear view of the perception that surrounding areas and not only have to Anteas’s operation and within the policy of continuous improvement. Following the findings the Board of Antea Cement has developed a program for the 2015 -2020 years on projects that the company will take within the four pillars of corporate social responsibility are, health and safety, protection of environment, transparency and constant communication with stakeholders and the promotion of corporate social responsibility. Survey was held in Thumana Borizana, Mamurras, Shpërdhet, Picrrage and Brret areas.
Also, Antea Cement is the winner of several national and international awards and is accredited by the Ministry of Industry and Energy as the company with the best practices in the rehabilitation of quarries.
Participants were followed to the Central Chamber of Control and Laboratory by Mr. Behar Disha, Director of Production, to see closely the production process. Further, the visit continued in the careers of cement to see specifically the use of mines and rehabilitation of the environment.
It was also noted the progress of rehabilitation over the years. Utilization practices were those with scale exploitation and rehabilitation carried out in parallel with the exploitation operations progressively. Antea has rehabilitated an area of more than 54000 m2 with a total of tress exceeding 6,600 trees. This event was a good experience of organization and EITI Albania Secretariat would like to thank Antea Cement to the commitment in the administration of the mine in Kruja area and in particular to thank Mr. Dritan Dervishaj, Technical Director at Antea Career and one of the most active members of the Albanian EITI Board, who was involved in organizing this event in favor of transparency.