23 Dec EITI Open Data Portal Presentation
The purpose of this meeting was to present the AlbEITI Open Data Portal to the Albanian multi-stakeholder group (MSG) with representatives from government, companies and civil society.
The presentation provided an overall view of the system modules, focusing especially on the modules which are accessible from the External Users, and also the administration and Data Upload and maintenance: open access to disclosed information related with extractive industries and hydropower, which will inform the public at home and abroad, various individuals and entities interested in the trend of indicators and in general for the sustainable development of these areas.
The AlbEITI Open Data Portal is in both English and Albanian language. The Portal Modules, which were presented in the meeting, consist of the following:
- Homepage Reports
- Hydrocarbon Sector Subsite
- Mining Sector Subsite
- Hydropower Subsite
- Reports Site
- Map View
- Licensed Companies
- Post/ Publications Module
- Dataset Upload and Dataset Management
- Post Management
- User Management Dashboard
The overall feedback was really positive and the result was in line with the expected outcome.
MSG group members confirmed that the Alb EITI Open Data Portal solution meets the requirements and is a remarkable work done.
Recommendations for additional investements to ensure data accuracy and that the portal always up-to date were highlighted and to be taken in consideration from MSG group and EITI National Secretariat.