31 May EITI at the OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum on “Promoting Security and Economic Progress through Energy Co-operation and Connectivity”
Under the OSCE’s authority on May 27-28, in Bratislava, Slovakia, took place the Economic and Environmental Forum on “Promoting Security and Economic Progress through Energy Co-operation and Connectivity” and by the OSCE’s invitation the Albania EITI was represented by the Director of National Secretariat mr. Ardit Kamberi.
The OSCE General Secretary, UN General Deputy- Secretary and UNECE Executive Secretary, General Secretary of the Energy Charter, US State Department Representative, EU Representatives as well as other political personalities and international organizations took the floor during the Forum Sessions.
The Energy Charter International Secretariat presented in this Forum the official publication of the Secretariat EIRA 2018 on Risk Assessment in the Energy Sector and Energy Security in Energy Charter Member States.
Albania in this official Report is classified as Low Risk in the Energy Sector and it is noted that in the Transparency component, Albania is rated at a very high score of 83 points, leaving behind many other countries in the Transparency Classification in the Energy Sector such as Croatia, Greece, Bosnia, Hungary, Montenegro, etc
During the sessions of the Forum, mr. Kamberi held meetings with representatives of the International Energy Charter Secretariat and other delegations attending the event, where Transparency was discussed as one of the key elements for sectorial information, as well as co-operation and promoting the climate for sustainable development.