EITI Board Meeting

EITI Board Meeting


On  January 31, 2017, the Albanian EITI Secretariat hosted the next meeting of the EITI Board at Tirana International Hotel. This meeting was conceived in two parts, where in the first part legal experts Mrs. Zyhrada Kongoli and z. Florian Xhafa from the company contracted, EUROSUPPORT-Fineurope Support S.r.l made a presentation on the analysis of the legislative framework and Albanian national regulator in implementing the EITI standards. The purpose of this study consists in identifying and evaluating the EITI Standard provisions that are applicable in the legal and national regulatory framework and making recommendations about the necessary changes in legislation in order to ensure their compatibility with the EITI standard. Draft Final Report Review of Legislative Framework will be deemed approved and will be followed by the its publication on Friday, February 10, 2017.

In the second part, the Independent Administrator Deloitte Audit Albania represented by Mrs. Jonida Vesiu and z. Elvis Ziu presented the draft 2015 EITI Report and discussed the reconciled payments so far, as well as about problems and inaccuracies in reporting payments by companies and taxation, the lack of an updated and public registry for concessions in all three sectors, the lack of information employment in hydro-power, etc. Draft 2015 EITI Report  will be deemed approved and will continue with its publication of the following day, February 1, 2017.